EECS 498: Introduction to Algorithmic Robotics
Fall 2018

Dmitry Berenson
Office: EECS 3217
Office Hours: By appointment
Email: berenson [at]

Peiyan "Vince" Gong
Office: EECS 3312
Office Hours: Tuesdays 9am-12pm and Wednesdays 1pm-3pm
Email: pygong [at]

We will use Piazza for questions and discussion. Access the class discussion site here.

Time: Monday, Wednesday 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Location: EECS 1200

Overview: An introduction to the algorithms that form the foundation of robot planning, state estimation, and control. Topics include optimization, motion planning, representations of uncertainty, Kalman and particle filters, and point cloud processing. Assignments focus on programming a robot to perform tasks in simulation.

Prerequisites: Required: EECS 280, Recommended: EECS 281 and MATH 214
No credit if students have taken ROB 550 or EECS 598: Motion Planning.

Books: Syllabus: Please see here.

Tentative Course Schedule: